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Anju Beauté

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Gentle shampoo with vegetable keratin which deeply nourish and restructure the hair. Keratine is a molecule naturally found in the hair. I can be altered...
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Perfect and quite unique conditioning shampoo with cationic volumisers. Its formula has been specially created with active principles to give body, volume...
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Gentle deep cleansing shampoo with a base of vegetable origin active principles, developed for regular or occasional use for all dogs and cats, whatever...
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This unique natural shampoo is ideal for those with sensitive skins, prone to allergies as well as dogs which spend a lot of time outdoors and working dogs,...
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A superb hypoallergenic shampoo, based on active natural principals for gently cleaning the delicate coats of puppies and kittens after weaning. It...
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A superb shampoo based on active natural principles, designed for wire-haired dogs, it cleans the coat deeply without softening it, and keeping it in top...
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Very effective shampoo treatment for dandruff and insect repellent properties. Formulated from extra virgin juniper oil, with healing and antiseptic...
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Deep-cleansing treatment Shampoo, created to cleanse, disinfect and purify dirty or smelly coats, whether due to environmental pollution or other reasons....
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The production of large amounts of seborrhea are often the source of serious skin problems and are responsible for heavy, greasy, dull hair and knots....
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A sublimely rich conditioning and smoothing shampoo, based on active natural vegetable extracts, created to nourish, hydrate, improve and renovate the...
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A real beauty care shampoo, whose active Camomile ingredient display, revive and enhance the shine and intensity of white or mostly white coats. The colour...
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Een unieke shampoo formule, op basis van kamille, die de reflecties en nuances van kleur en tinten in het licht, part-wit, blauw, zilver en lila jassen...
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