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L'Oscar di Smagatto, Olimpo - Degreasing Shampoo, 1000 ml.

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Concentrated professional shampoo, based on the technology of modern emulsifiers and surfactants with high degreasing power, which allow dynamic and selective cleansing. It removes the most resistant dirt and sanitizes the skin and fur at the same time and in a targeted manner. With green tea and blueberry extract, rich in polyphenols and pineapple extract for an exfoliating action. Formulated with antioxidants and proteins to reinvigorate and restructure and clove essential oil to sanitize. Its functional properties rebalance and soothe the skin, repair and hydrate the fur, protect from the sun's rays and eliminate bad odors.


How to use: dilute as needed up to a maximum of 1:9; distribute on damp fur, massage until foaming, rinse and proceed with the next step.


12 months from opening the package

1006015, Product: L'Oscar di Smagatto, Olimpo - Degreasing Shampoo, 1000 ml., EAN Code: 8014842871317