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Chris Christensen, Spectrum Ten Shampoo 3,8 liter

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Chris Christensen Spectrum Ten Shampoo – Soft Coat

The Chris Christensen Spectrum range offers a variety of shampoos, conditioners, and coat care products to keep your furry friends looking, smelling, and feeling great. Specially formulated for different coat types, each product will deliver the exact results you need, no matter the occasion.

Spectrum Ten is designed with soft coated breeds in mind. The specially formulated ingredients gently cleanse while restoring softness, colour and shine to even the dullest and most damaged coats. Works best when accompanied by the full Spectrum Ten Range

  • Gently cleanses and restores
  • Designed for straight or wavy coated breeds
  • Works best when accompanied by the full Spectrum Ten Range
  • Dilutes 16:1
  • Available in 473ml and 3.8 Litre

Directions for use:

  • Pre-wet coat
  • Apply directly to coat (Can be diluted 16:1)
  • Work into a lather
  • Rinse thoroughly and repeat if necessary
  • Follow with additional Spectrum Ten products for the best result


Ingredients: DI-Water, Polyquaternium 10, Polyox WSR N750, Methocel 40-100, Cocomide MEA, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycol Distearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycol Disterate, ALS 30%, Ales 60% 3 MOE, Ammonium Xylene Sulfona, Versene Na2-S, Ritapan EE, DL Panthenol, Dow 200 100 CS, Sodium Citrate, Sodium Benzoate FCC NF, Salt #7559 Top Flo, Citric Acid, Kathon CG II, 28353 Pantene Type

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